You send me anonymous mixes. I listen. Think of it as the PostSecret of mixtapes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We Interrupt This Blog For A Special Announcement

So, if Missy is as consistent as I think she's going to be, I am looking forward to another 32 tapes worth of albums transfered to tape.

Which could be interesting, or boring as hell.

Still, what I wanted this blog to be still feels possible, even probable.

But I'm going to need your help.

While I continue on with Missy's collection, I would like to begin a second project that, should it begin to take hold, will quickly eclipse this current one.

The project is Mail Box Mix Tapes.

The idea is this. My readership, who I am certain are more creative and interesting than Missy, begin to send me mix tapes in the mail.

Be as creative with the packaging as you'd like, but leave a bit of mystery as to track listing and sender of tape.

I will blog about your mix tapes as I will continue to with Missy's.

Think of this as the PostSecret of mixtapes.

Send to:
Kester Smith
1603-A Cinnamon Path
Austin, TX 78704

I look forward to hearing from you.


Casey. said...

Once a few years ago, I came in to BookPeople for my regular visit when I'm in Austin. I picked up a book (I Married a Communist by Philip Roth) and there was a mix CD in it. I bought the book because I wanted the CD. There was a note with it, that they would post on Craig's List Missed Connections that week, but there was never a post. But the CD was delightful. Kind of the like the PostSecret of mix tapes. Your current project made me think of it. A very fun idea.

summer anne burton said...


"Casey.", I don't know who ya are but that mix cd was made for me! I worked at BP and I had a secert admirer and he hid it in that book for me and then mailed a map to it to the store. But it was already gone. Later, I met the guy, and he gave me a copy of it. It was very good.

What a weird, tiny, strange world.

Kester Smith... said...

Just one more reason why I'm glad I started this blog. Perfect.

Casey. said...

That is awesome. It's like we've solved some kind of mystery. It is a very good CD. If you still know him, tell him thanks for me.